2023 League Rules and Guidelines  
Version 2.3

Written By: Brodie Hannah  
Last Updated: 9/6/2024 (Changes/Additions in YELLOW)



    1.1 Mission Statement
    1.2 League Expectations
    2.1 Attendance Requirements
    2.2 Driver Approval Process
    2.3 Rookie Designation & Eligibility
    2.4 Decal Requirements
    2.5 Charters and the Team Owner System
    2.6 League License System
    2.7 Provisionals
    2.8 New Driver Probation
    2.9 Custom Paint Schemes
    3.1 Pacing and Pace Laps
    3.2 Extending Caution Periods
    3.3 Lucky Dog Procedure
    3.4 Game-Issued Black Flags
    3.5 Pitting Procedures
    3.6 Green/White/Checkered Finishes
    3.7 Starts and Restarts
    3.8 Tire Set Limits
    3.9 Lapped / Damaged Cars
    3.10 Bump-Drafting
    3.11 Warping / Bad Connection
    3.12 Server Issues
    3.13 Qualifying Procedure
    3.14 Server Access
    3.15 Champions Provisional
    3.16 Pre-Race Practice Requirements
    3.17 Stage Racing

 4.1 About The Team Management System
 4.2 Charter (Car Numbers)
 4.3 Car Repairs and the Damage System 
 4.4 Contracts
 4.5 Race Payouts
 4.6 Championship Payouts
 4.7 Eligible Drivers
 4.8 Team Owner Responsibility
 4.9 Penalties and Removals

    5.1 In-Game Communication
    5.2 Hearing-Impaired Communication
    5.3 Discord
    5.4 Usage of In-Game Chat
    5.5 Streaming and Recording

    6.1 Penalty Progression System
    6.2 Probation
    6.3 Incident Reporting
    6.4 Incident Reviews
    6.5 Penalty Assessment
    6.6 File an Appeal
    6.7 Driver Ejections
    6.8 Assurance of Fairness
    7.1 Unsportsmanlike Conduct
    7.2 Flaming
    7.3 Cutting The Course
    7.4 Passing Below The Double Line
    7.5 Reckless Driving
    7.6 Avoidable Contact
    7.7 Loss of Control
    7.8 Failure to Slow For Accident
    7.9 Pit Lane Infractions
    7.10 Multiple Cautions/Incidents
    7.11 Intentional Contact
    7.12 Intentional Wrecking
    7.13 Excessive Blocking
    7.14 Intentional Cautions / Spins
    7.15 Race Manipulation
    7.16 Cheating
    7.17 Unnecessary Black Flags
    7.18 Restart Violations
    7.19 Actions Detrimental to League Racing
    7.20 Probation Violation
    7.21 Recurring Incidents
    7.22 Repeat Offender


Section 1  
About FTSR

1.1 Mission Statement - Full Throttle Sim Racing was created to provide a fun, exciting and entertaining environment while promoting clean, courteous and professional conduct on and off the track in each sanctioned event. All members are asked to maintain a "League-before-self" mentality and to conduct themselves in a way that not only reflects good behavior for the driver, but represents the league in a positive light.

1.2 League Expectations – All members of FTSR are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner while in any and all FTSR-sanctioned sessions both on and off the track. There shall be no reckless driving, driving backwards, intentional wrecking of yourself or another driver, dangerous driving or any other actions that negatively impact the experience of other drivers. Drivers should also refrain from profanity, racial slurs, negative comments about others and any other actions or words that may negatively affect others. This applies to all practice sessions, race events and all other times while in a FTSR-sanctioned server.

Section 2  
Rules & Procedures

2.1 Attendance Requirements - Members are expected to attend races and participate regularly. Members who miss 3 consecutive races without notice are subject to be released from their team contract and/or removal from the series. If removed, the driver must reapply to the series and are subject to availability based on membership levels.

2.2 Driver Approval Process - Drivers who request to join may be asked to participate in a practice session prior to their first race. This time is used to evaluate the driver for the series and to determine of the the drivers is a right fit for the league and for the driver to determine if the league is right for them. We typically suggest that new drivers NOT start their first series race at superspeedways, dirt tracks, road courses, or any non-standard racing event during a season.

2.3 Rookie Designation and Eligibility - In order to be designated as a rookie and eligible for the Rookie of the Year championship in a series, the driver must have competed in no more than 4 points-paying events in the series prior to the start of the season. Rookie are encouraged (not required) to display a pair of yellow stripes on their rear bumper to indicate their rookie status in the series.

2.4 - Decal Requirements - Some series require certain decals to be displayed on the car (windshield banner, contingency sponsors, spoiler, etc.) to earn points for the series or to be eligible for certain award programs. Below is a list of the current driver award programs by series:

  1. Cup Series - None
  2. Xfinity Series - None
  3. Truck Series - None
  4. ARCA Series - None

2.5 Charters and the Team Owner System - FTSR uses a charter system to field cars for all series. Each season, teams are required to purchase charters to field cars for each series. The cost of a charter is determined by season length, series costs and other factors related to the series.
Once a team purchases a charter, the team can hire a driver to drive the car and can compete in events. Drivers are hired for the car based on contracts, which set the terms, conditions and payout percentages for the driver while driving for the team.

Team are limited to 4 charters per series. Teams may have additional drivers on a roster but may only field 4 cars per race. Teams may swap drivers as needed as long as this limit is upheld. Drivers must be assigned to a car prior to the start of the event to be scored for the event and be eligible for race payouts. For more information on how the system works for drivers and teams, visit the Team Owner System information page.

Unlike the real-life counterpart, series charters are NOT a guarantee to race in an event, but rather a guarantee to have a chance to race in an event. In the event that there are more drivers entered in a event than spots available to start, qualifying will set the starting lineup for the event (See Section 3.13 - Qualifying Procedures for more information).

2.6 League License System - FTSR uses a formula to indicate a league members skill level, series placement and overall performance. This number is known as the members "Driver Rating". A members driver rating determines a license class (from Bronze to Platinum) for the member. You league license rating and driver rating will determine which series you become eligible for.
Every new member to the league will start out with a Provisional license. Until the member completes 5 races, the member will only be eligible for series allowing the Provisional license. Once the new member completes 5 races, he will become eligible for series based on his new class and rating.

For more information on the License Classes and Driver Ratings, visit the License System page.
Ratings will fluctuate, especially for new member. League members are asked to focus on limiting incidents, finishing higher in the results and minimizing mistakes to ensure the highest rating possible.

2.7 Provisionals - Each driver is allotted a set number of provisional starts per series per season as stated on the series information pages. Drivers must request a provisional for an event no later than 24 hours after the event. Drivers must be registered for the series at the time of the event to be eligible to receive a provisional for the event. Provisionals will not be assigned retroactively for new drivers. Drivers who request a provisional are awarded a number of points equal to the next position after the last place finisher in the race. To request a provisional, please use the "Request a Provisional" form under the Services tab on the main menu of the website.

2.8 New Driver Probation - Every new driver to the league will start on a probationary period. During this time, new drivers should be mindful that they are being observed closely for clean, respectful driving to ensure that the driver meshes well with the community. Drivers should race with care and use this time to become familiar with the drivers, the rules and the league as a whole. Be mindful that you are auditioning for a spot in the league.

2.9 Custom Paint Schemes - Drivers are allowed to run custom paint schemes (paint schemes created outside of the iRacing web-based program) for races.  All custom car paint schemes must be available through Trading Paints. There shall be no vulgarity (nudity, foul language, derogatory comments, racial slurs, drug related content, violent comments or pictures, etc.) on the cars. 




Section 3  
Race Procedures

3.1 Pacing and Pace Laps - Drivers should take care during the initial pace laps and while under caution. Do not leave the racing surface unless pitting or adjusting running order as required by the game. Drivers are not to make contact with other drivers while pacing. When going from green flag racing to caution, the leader should notify the field when they are catching the pace car of the position of the pace car to prevent checkups. Drivers must pay close attention to their spotters and on-screen prompts while pacing to understand what position they should be in. Drivers should also take care to give space to the right between their car and the wall during caution laps to allow drivers who receive the “Lucky Dog” to pass safely. Drivers who conduct themselves inappropriately during this time may be penalized.

3.2 Extending Caution Periods - While we try to allow iRacing to dictate the rules during the race, there are times where extending the caution period would be in the best interest of the drivers. In circumstances where extending the caution would prevent further issues, such as an abundance of wave-around cars, short tracks or other circumstances where there is confusion lining up for a restart, we reserve the right to add one or more pace laps to allow drivers to be prepared for the start. Drivers may also request a caution period extension on the final lap of caution if they notice issues, but will depend on the ability to get the command entered in time and the reason for the request. We will err on the side of caution in these instances and most likely grant requests that are made in time, but will review the situation surrounding the extension and deal with it as needed.

3.3 Lucky Dog Procedure – The first car one or more laps down when the caution comes out AND not involved in the incident that caused the caution will receive the Lucky Dog and will regain 1 lap back. The driver that receives the “Lucky Dog” may ONLY pass the field and gain their lap back when instructed by the on-screen prompt and/or spotter. The driver should notify the field that he is coming around the field. Drivers receiving the lucky dog may pass the field and must do so CAREFULLY and SLOWLY.

3.4 Game-Issued Black Flags - At FTSR, we do not clear any black flags that are given by iRacing during the race for any reason. However, if a driver receives a black flag due to a game issue before the start of the race, we will do what we can to clear these. Once the green flag is thrown, no black flags will be cleared.

3.5 Pitting Procedures – The following conduct must be followed when pitting:

a. Entering Pit Road - Drivers may enter the pits according to the track specifics. Drivers are encouraged to signal in chat when pitting under green flag conditions while around other cars. This prevents unwanted accidents, confusion and frustration.   

b. On Pit Road - While on pit road, drivers must stay to the outside-half of pit road (out of the pit boxes) until entering their pit box.

Under green flag conditions, drivers should enter pit road in a safe manner (preferably by signaling to drivers around them). Drivers are to enter pit road, maintain pit road speed and utilize the outer half of pit road (not including the pit box area) until turning into your pit stall. Drivers should not attempt passing to the left of other drivers.

Under caution conditions, drivers are to enter pit road single-file, nose to tail, bumper to bumper, maintain pit road speed and must stay to the outer half of pit road (not including the pit box area). Drivers entering the pits may only pass to the right and only once the car in front of you commits to his pit stall.

If a driver attempts a pass to the left on pit entry, fails to maintain a proper pit road speed or fails to stay to the outer half of pit road, the driver may be penalized. 

c. Entering/Exiting Your Pit Stall - Drivers may use the 3 pit boxes before their pit stall and the 3 pit boxes after their pit stall to enter and exit their pit stall. If the driver exceeds this limit and gains a competitive advantage (i.e time gained, positions gained, reduced distance to pit entrance or exit) or obstructs another competitor (I.e. driving through another car or blocking the driver from seeing his pit sign), the driver may be penalized. 

d. Exiting From the First 3 Pit Stalls - Drivers who are pitting in the first 3 pit stalls exiting pit road are in a unique situation where there are not 3 stalls in front of them. In this case, the drivers are judged to make a reasonable attempt to return to pit road from their stall. A driver who is deemed to have not made an attempt to return to pit road and/or used the pit stall area to gain an competitive advantage (i.e time gained, positions gained, reduced distance to pit entrance or exit) may be penalized.

e. Merging Back Onto Pit Road - When exiting their pit stall, drivers should move to the outside half of pit road and allow room for drivers exiting their stall room to exit the pit stall area. Drivers exiting pit road who are not on the outer half of pit road and make contact with a driver who is exiting their pit stall may be penalized.

f. Exiting Pit Road - Drivers must reenter the racing surface in a safe manner and without obstructing faster cars. Drivers getting up to speed must yield to faster cars on track.

3.6 Green/White/Checkered Finishes – The league utilizes the Green/White/Checkered option in iRacing. If a caution comes out and the race cannot be restarted within the scheduled distance of the race, the race will be extended to allow for one (1) attempt to end the race under green. If a caution comes out during the Green/White/Checkered, the race will end under caution and final finishing position will be determined at the time of caution. 

3.7 Starts and Restarts - Starts and restarts are NOT to be used to gain a competitive advantage. The situation should only be used to start or restart a race.

a. Leader May Choose His Starting Lane - When the game signals that there is one lap until the start or restart, the leader of the race may decide whether to start on the inside or outside lane. This decision must be made clearly and briefly, either verbally or physically. Once this decision is made, it is FINAL. There will be no switching after the first choice. 

b. Leader Must Be Leading At The Green - The leader must be leading when the green flag is displayed by the game. It does not matter who leads at the start/finish line. The driver may relinquish any positions gained safely and completely (your front bumper behind their rear bumper) before the completion of the lap and under green flag conditions to avoid further penalty as long as the maneuver is not deeded to be intentional or malicious. A driver who is deemed to have been in front of the leader at the time of green and did not relinquish the position(s) in a timely manner will also receive a penalty per the standard penalty progression system as well as an automatic EOL Finish (moved to the end of your lap) for the event.  

c. Maintain Pace Speed - All drivers should hold a steady speed at the track pace speed when approaching a start or restart. Drivers who roll up to a start or restart at a speed noticeably higher or lower than pace speed to gain an advantage will be penalized. The driver must relinquish any positions gained safely and completely (your front bumper behind their rear bumper) before the completion of the lap and under green flag conditions to avoid further penalty.  

d1. Initial Race Start - The initial start of the race is always governed by iRacing. The leader always goes on the green flag on the initial start of the race.

d2. "Go On Green" Restarts  - If the series utilizes "go on green" restarts, the leader will start and restart the race based on when the simulation displays the green flag. The drivers on the front row are to accelerate when the green light appears on the screen or the starter indicates the start or restart of the race. Drivers should hold a steady speed at the track pace speed when approaching a start or restart. Drivers who roll up to a start or restart at a speed noticeably higher or lower than pace speed to gain an advantage will be penalized. The driver must relinquish any positions gained safely and completely (your front bumper behind their rear bumper) before the completion of the lap and under green flag conditions to avoid further penalty. Drivers who are deemed to have jumped the start and did not relinquish the position(s) will receive a penalty per the standard penalty progression system as well as an automatic EOL Finish (moved to the end of your lap) for the event.  

d3. "Restart Zone" Restarts  - If the series utilizes the iRacing restart zones, the leader may accelerate at any point within the indicated restart zone. If the leader does not accelerate at the end of the restart zone, the simulation will display the green flag and the race will be restarted. Restart zones are indicated by artwork on the track apron or walls at each track. If the series utilizes restart zones and the track does not have a designated restart zone, the leader may accelerate at any time after the pace car has completely left the racing surface. Drivers should hold a steady speed at the track pace speed when approaching a start or restart. Drivers who roll up to a start, restart at a speed noticeably higher or lower than pace speed or otherwise fail to follow restart rules may be penalized.

e. Maintain Lanes Until The Start/Finish Line - Drivers must maintain their designated starting lanes (the nose of your car behind and in line with the driver starting in front of you) until you cross the start/finish line unless avoiding contact from a checkup or crash. All drivers must also remain on the racing surface (above the painted line indicating the start of the apron) until crossing the start/finish line. Any driver who changes lanes (moves out from behind the leading vehicle) before the start/finish line or leaves the racing surface prior to crossing the start/finish line on a start or restart in an attempt to improve their position or gain an advantage will receive a penalty.

f. No Passing Before The Start/Finish Line - Drivers must not be beside another car in their starting lane before the start/finish line unless avoiding contact from a checkup or crash or if the driver in front is off pace and gives consent to the driver behind to pass high on the start or restart. Drivers who are deemed to have started a pass before the start/finish line and did not relinquish the position(s) will receive a penalty per the standard penalty progression system as well as an automatic EOL Finish (moved to the end of your lap) for the event. Drivers may also be penalized for attempts to subvert this rule, regardless of the success or failure of the attempt.

Note: Drivers found in violation of the restart rules may be assessed various penalties depending on severity of the infraction and any advantage the driver was found to have received from the infraction and regardless of the success of the attempted move. This includes warnings, lap penalties and up to disqualification from the race for severe infractions.

3.8 Tire Set Limits - Some series at FTSR have tire limits per race. The number of sets allowed for a race can be found on the schedule page for each series. A tire limit restricts the sets of tires a driver can use during the race. This number on the schedule does NOT include the set of tires on your car at the start of the race. A set is defined as 1 right front, 1 right rear, 1 left front and 1 left rear.

3.9 Lapped / Damaged Cars - Lapped cars and damaged cars should yield to lead lap cars if off the pace. Every car on the track has the same right to race with any car for a position, although if you choose to do so while off the pace or in a way that endangers other cars, you may be penalized. It would be wise and appreciated by all if lapped cars yield the preferred line to the leaders. Damaged cars and slow cars are required to yield to faster cars in a safe and timely manner.

3.10 Bump-Drafting - Bump-Drafting is allowed, although strongly discouraged if you are uncomfortable with the practice. Excessive bump-drafting is considered reckless driving and the driver may be penalized. There is no rule preventing push-drafting. It is our stance that a rule should not be created to prevent a car from performing an action that is the result of the design of the car itself.

3.11 Warping / Bad Connection - If a car is observed "warping" or moving erratically due to a poor connection or connection issue, the driver will be notified of the issue. This should be a signal to the driver to avoid close-quarters racing and to yield when available to avoid further issues. If the issues continue, the driver may be asked to move to the rear of the field. If a driver neglects to yield his position, he may be removed from the server to prevent further issues. Any issues that are observed during practice may also lead to administrators asking the driver to start from the rear of the field to prevent further issues and to ride out the issue until it improves. Race administrators will do everything in their power to allow you to race, but we cannot allow drivers with bad connections to cause issues. Drivers are strongly encouraged to use practice sessions to sort out any possible issues. Drivers should also make sure there are no programs running in the background that could cause issues before entering the server.

3.12 Server Issues - In the event of a server crash or malfunction, we will follow the following guidelines:

a. If 50% or more of the race is completed by the leader, the race will be deemed official and we will use the results file provided IF RESULTS ARE AVAILABLE. Points will be awarded as if the race reached its complete distance. 

b. If less than 50% is complete or results are not available for the race, the race will not count and the race may or may not be rescheduled. No driver who was previously out of the race will not be allowed to reenter a rescheduled event.

3.13 Qualifying Procedure - Race servers are set up to provide up to 60 drivers to enter, but only 43 drivers will qualify for each oval series event in FTSR. These positions are determined using the following process: 

a. Drivers are allowed 2 laps / 5 minutes on ovals and 2 laps / 10 minutes on road courses to complete a qualifying run. Qualifying scrutiny is set to "Strict". Once the allotted 5/10 minutes has passed, all drivers must cease qualifying and any laps completed afterwards will not be scored.

b. If the number of drivers in the server does not exceed the 43 spots allowed for the event, the session will be advanced immediately and there will be no further action needed. If more than 43 cars are present to attempt to qualify for the event, the starting grid will be determined using the remaining steps outlined in this process.
c. Drivers who are in the top 35 in driver points at the start of the event are guaranteed a spot in the event. For the first 3 races of the season, last seasons driver points will be used to determine locked in drivers. If a driver in the top 35 in driver points qualifies outside of the top 43, that driver will be moved into the field, bumping the lowest non-guaranteed driver from the field until all guaranteed drivers are in the event. Drivers who are bumped will be disqualified from the event. 
NOTE: In the event of ties in points for the top 35 locked in positions, all ties are broken in order of number of starts, wins, top 5's, top 10's, laps led then laps completed.
d. The remainder of the field will be set based on qualifying time. The top 8 fastest non-locked in drivers in qualifying speed will make up the remainder of the 43 car field. If multiple non-guaranteed drivers do not or cannot complete a qualifying lap but there is still an available spot for one or more of these drivers, the lineup will be set by practice speeds, with the faster drivers in practice given the first available spots until we have 43 cars on the grid.
e. The highest qualified past champion that qualified outside of the top 43 that is not in the top 35 in driver points will be granted a starting position, bumping the lowest non-guaranteed driver from the field. Drivers who are bumped will be disqualified from the event. If there is no eligible past champion outside of the top 43 qualifiers, this step is skipped.
f. Once the driver disqualifications are completed and the lineup is set, the session will be advanced to the race.

3.14 Server Access -  Servers for all oval series will allow up to 64 drivers into the 1 hour practice session prior to the race. During practice, the drivers may be split into groups at smaller tracks to prevent the track from being too crowded. Server access is controlled by the "leagues" function on iRacing. Only a drivers who are a part of the league on iRacing will be granted access to the server. 

3.15 Champions Provisional - In the event that drivers must qualify into an event (over 43 drivers in the server), we will reserve the 43rd position for a former champion of the series. If a former champion qualifies 44th or worse and is not locked in by points, they will be awarded the 43rd starting position AFTER all other eliminations are completed. This will remove the lowest driver not locked into the event. If there are multiple past-champions eligible for the position, the most recent past-champion will be awarded the position. 

3.16 Pre-Race Practice Requirements - Due to changes to the track, changes in weather and the need for drivers to become familiar with the track, other drivers and track conditions, it is imperative that drivers get laps in the pre-race practice held immediately before the event starts. We recommend that drivers enter the server with no less than 15 minutes remaining in practice and run no less than 5 laps in practice. Drivers who fail to do so may be assessed an End of Longest Line (EOLL) penalty at the start of the event. Race officials also reserve the right to ask drivers to start at the rear, start and park or skip the event if they feel that the driver is unprepared, unsafe, or needs more track time.

3.17 Stage Racing - Some series at FTSR utilize stage racing in our events. Laps for the stage break are listed on the schedule as the first number in the laps column while the second number indicates the total number of laps in the event. Points are awarded to the top 10 finishers of a stage per the series points system.
a. If the race is under green flag conditions, pit road will be closed 2 laps prior to the stage being completed. The stage is scored and considered complete when the lap listed is COMPLETED. Once the 10th place driver completes the stage lap, the yellow will be displayed and the race will enter a caution state.

b. In the event that a caution is displayed within 5 laps of the planned stage break, the lap that the caution is displayed will signify the end of the stage. For example, if the planned stage break is lap 50 and a caution is displayed on lap 46, 47, 48, 49 or before the completion of lap 50, the stage will be considered complete at the lap of caution. Stage points will be awarded based on the drivers scoring position at the time of the caution as interpreted by iRacing (i.e. the position iRacing indicates you need to maintain under caution).

c. If a caution is displayed prior to the scheduled stage break to end the stage and a restart would take place on the scheduled stage lap, the caution will be extended to prevent a sprint from turn 4 to the start/finish line and an additional caution period. In this event, the program used to control the stage will also extend the caution at the end of the stage, leading to 1 extra lap of caution. iRacing pitting rules will apply.

d. FTSR will utilize a caution to end the stage in all events.

Section 4

The Team Management System

4.1 About The Team Management System 
FTSR uses a one-of-a-kind system to provide an authentic racing experience like no other. The system puts team owners in charge of all the facets of running their sim racing team, including purchasing charters (car numbers), hiring and managing drivers and yes, earning real money from races and championships. 

Team Owners will start by purchasing charters for the series they wish to compete in. Once you choose the car number, you then are ready to hire a league-approved driver. Team Owners can choose to offer that driver a percentage of winnings for the contract length or a lump sum to drive for them. the driver then views the contract and decides whether to accept or reject the offer. Once a driver is signed, you are set.

Each race in a series pays out a set amount (found on the "Series Info" page for each series). There is also a substantial payout for the championship and other feats at the end of the season. All earned money is split between driver and team based on contract terms. We are very excited to be able to provide this exciting new opportunity and look forward to great things going forward. Are you ready to start your climb to fame and to build your dynasty at FTSR? For more information on how to get started, click HERE.

4.2 Charters (Car Numbers)
Team Owners must purchase a charter for each car they choose to enter into a series. The cost of the charter depends on the series, and may even be free for some series. This information can be found on the home page for each series. Charters are good for a single season and must be renewed each season.

a. Charter Limit - Team are limited to 4 charters per series. Teams may have additional drivers on a roster but may only field 4 cars per race. Teams may swap drivers as needed as long as this limit is upheld.

b. Driver Assignment - Drivers must be assigned to a car prior to the start of the event to be scored for the event.. Any driver who is not assigned to a car prior to the event and participates in the event will not be scored, will not be eligible for event payouts and both the driver and team owner may face further penalties.

c. Qualifying and Eligibility - Unlike the real-life counterpart, series charters are NOT a guarantee to race in an event, but rather a guarantee to have a chance to qualify for an event. In the event that there are more drivers entered in a event than spots available to start, qualifying will set the starting lineup for the event (See Section 3.13 of the rulebook for more information).

d. Reclamation - Charters that are not used for 3 consecutive series events without notification are subject to be reclaimed by the league. This is done maintain an accurate representation of the league roster, to allow for space for new drivers wishing to join the league or series and to present and maintain a healthy field size for our members. We encourage team owners to utilize their charters to preserve their presence in the league, prevent additional transactions and to maintain a healthy and accurate league roster.

Charters are the backbone of the system and are a way to avoid drivers paying directly into the system. It allows teams to fund and provide rides for drivers within the league. It is our experience that when drivers pay directly, the frustration of an accident can boil over and cause issues. With the driver being hired by a team owner, this creates some insulation and also reminds the driver that he is hired to do a job and may be judged by his actions, creating somewhat of a "checks and balances" system. This also provides a sort of responsibility of the team owner to keep good drivers in the series and filter those that may not "cut the mustard". Team owners can give drivers a shot in their car for a "trial period" and are encouraged to do so. If the driver does not work out, just in real racing, he may be forced to find another option. Team owners are in control of not only their team, but have some control of the quality of racing at FTSR in this format.

4.3 Car Repairs and the Damage System
Just as in real racing, team owners must manage and repair the cars on their team. The health of a cars can be found on the "Manage Team" page accessed fro mthe Dashboard. The health of the cars are displayed in 3 status bars representing body (green), engine (red) and chassis (blue) for each car you own. During the races, cars take damage based on the incident points incurred by the driver.

a. The Body - For the body, the car receives 5% damage for each incident point in the event. This represents body damage that must be repaired following an event. If the car receives 20 incident points during a single event (100% damage), the car is considered totaled.

b. The Engine - For each event started, the engine will receive 30% base damage to represent regular wear and tear from a race event. The engine will also receive an extra 5% of damage for each incident point received over 8 total. The represents additional damage taken due to a crash.

c. The Chassis - For each event started, the chassis will receive 15% base damage to represent regular wear and tear from a race event. The chassis will also receive an extra 5% of damage for each incident point received over 4 total. This represents additional damage taken due to a crash.

d. Repairs - Repairs can cost credits per 5% of car heath restored. You may click the "Repair" button to repair the selected car. Currently there is no cost to repair nor is there a penalty for dropping to 0% health. We plan to explore possibly expanding this feature in the future.

e. A Totaled Car - Anytime a car reaches 0% health in either body, engine or chassis, it must be repaired before it can be used again. Team owners will receive a notification that the car needs attention. 

Team owners can view the status of their cars by visiting the series "Manage Team" section of the dashboard.

4.4 Contracts
Just as in real racing, teams and drivers will agree to partner with contracts. These contracts may outline a percentage of winnings a driver will receive for each race or a set amount for the season. The ability to pay drivers can be a selling point for teams to attract new, more successful drivers. Drivers many also choose to fund their own ride within the system, sending the team owner the money to cover the cost of the charter. Drivers will review contracts that they have received and choose the right one for them. Contracts are an agreement between driver and team owner and the league is not responsible for mediation. As long as the contract is active at the time of the start of the event, it is deemed valid. A team may only have 1 active contract for a car number at a time in a series. A contract in this system is “at will” and may be terminated by either party at any time.

4.5 Race Payouts
Credits may be paid out per race as well, especially for special, sponsored or crown jewel events. The base purse for each series is noted on the "Series Info" page. The percentage of the purse to be paid out to team owner and driver are based on contract terms between the driver and team owner. The amounts after that calculation will be deposited into the driver bank and team owner account respectively. Credits have no monetary value outside of the FTSR credit system and can only be used for purchases within the system.

4.6 Championship Payouts
At the end of a season, each series will pay out different amounts based on feats completed during the season. These amounts are also listed on the "Series Info" section of each series. Whether it is championship finishing position or other feats, each of these amounts are still divided between driver and team based on contract terms UNLESS specifically specified on the "Series Info" page of the series. Credits have no monetary value outside of the FTSR credit system and can only be used for purchases within the system.

4.7 Eligible Drivers
Drivers must apply and must be deemed eligible for a series in order to be signed by a team. This designation is decided upon by the league administration team based on various factors. Each series also has driver requirements listed on the "Series Info" page for each series. Only eligible drivers will be able to be selected from the dropdown when sending a contract.. New drivers to the league undergo a review before being added to the eligible driver roster. You can view eligible drivers for a series under the "Drivers" page of each series. Free Agents (drivers who are available to be signed) are displayed without a car number or team name beside their name.

4.8 Team Owner Responsibility
Being a team owner at FTSR comes with some responsibility of the quality of racing in a series. The drivers hired by a team owner can greatly affect the on-track product at FTSR. If a team owner decided to foot the bill for a driver who causes many issues on track, he not only is less likely to earn a return on investment (ROI), he also has likely affected others attempt at doing so. Team owners should carefully consider and monitor their driver performances.

4.9 Penalties and Removals
The league administration team reserves the right to suspend or remove drivers and/or teams that cause issues for the sake of other competitors. This system does not change or right to manage the quality of racing at FTSR if needed. We will, however, work with team owners to ensure that teams are taken care of in the event that one of its drivers are removed from a series. Suspensions and other penalties will take affect as usual. 




Section 5  
Media & Communication

5.1 In-Game Communication - The league uses the in-game voice chat as the primary line of communication during the races. League officials will pass information through this line of communication only. All drivers must have proper voice chat hardware (microphone, headphones and/or speakers) and must be able to prove that they can receive messages during the race. Drivers who cannot follow directions will be removed from the server.

5.2 Hearing-Impaired Communication -  Drivers who are hearing impaired may communicate with text chat, but must understand the difficulties that are faced when trying to do so and that a response will not always be able to be given during a race. Hearing impaired drivers are to make sure to understand rules and procedures fully and to pay close attention to other drivers on the track to prevent incidents due to lack of communication during a race. This is a difficult situation for all involved, but we will attempt to work with any driver facing this issue.

5.3 Discord - The league provides a Discord server for its members. Drivers are not required to use Discord during the race, however Discord is the only form of communication that broadcast companies use during broadcast events. Drivers are encouraged to use Discord during broadcast races. Only drivers who are in Discord during or after broadcast races will be eligible for interviews. Members may also use Discord at any time. The league Discord is free to use by all members of FTSR. 

5.4 Usage of In-Game Chat - In-Game text chat and voice chat are to be ONLY used by drivers for situation relating to the race and is to be respectful and courteous. The following uses are not permitted: 
- Outbursts after contact or an incident  
- Demeaning, derogatory, negative or harassing comments towards the league or any of its drivers or teams  
- Unnecessary chatter about things not related to the race  
- Outbursts following a crash  
- Excessive chatter or extended discussions about an incident  
- Any chatter during the qualifying session

Drivers are to limit chatter and chat messages while in the server to prevent confusion, avoid frustration of other drivers and to help present a more friendly and calm environment when racing. We do encourage drivers to apologize for contact and to thank drivers, but drivers should not spam the chat with unnecessary messages or talk excessively in the voice chat. This includes sounds, unnecessary messages and any other message found to be disruptive or unproductive to the function of the league.

5.5 Streaming and Recording - Recording, streaming, transmission or distribution of any communication, actions, video, races, broadcasts or other content of this league without written permission from the league owner is prohibited. Members may also opt out of being recorded by contacting the league in writing requesting omission from broadcasts, recorded chats and other forms of media.

Section 6 
Penalty System Information

6.1 Penalty Progression System - At Full Throttle Sim Racing, we work hard to provide clean and respectful racing. When this does not happen, we want to be as transparent and fair as possible when it comes to issuing penalties by providing a chart outlining the penalty process. Our Penalty Progression System helps keep racing clean and drivers focused on the important facts of sim racing. Below is a link to the FTSR Penalty Progression System that outlines the penalty process and potential consequences at FTSR: 

FTSR Penalty Progression System


6.2 Probation Drivers who receive a penalty are placed on probation. Probation is series-specific.

a. What is Probation - Probation indicates that a driver has recently been reprimanded for their actions and their conduct is under review. While on probation, drivers should take special care to avoid risky situations, follow all rules and procedures and ensure that they have clean, incident-free events.

b. Additional Penalties While on Probation - If a driver receives an additional penalty or penalties while already on probation, the driver may be subject to more severe penalties. The admin team reserves the right to increase penalties at their discretion based on the severity or multitude of infractions.

c. Clearing Probation - In order for a driver to clear probation, drivers must go 3 weeks without receiving an additional a penalty in the series. The admin team reserves the right to skip penalty levels for serious infractions or if a drivers has created a situation in multiple series where action must be taken.

6.3 Incident Reporting - At FTSR, we have an Incident Reporting system for drivers to report incidents for possible penalties to be assessed. Drivers must create an account on the FTSR site and log in to access the Incident Reporting options under the Services tab on the top menu of the website. Drivers can choose "Submit an Incident Report" to file a report. All reports MUST include a replay clip to be reviewed. The report will be reviewed by the administration team and a resolution will be reached. A penalty report will be sent out following all reviews of the event. Drivers have 24 hours following the completion of the event to file an incident report. Incident Reports that are submitted after the deadline or without a replay will not be considered and will be ignored.

6.4 Incident Review - Following the receipt of an incident report, the admin team will review the incident in question and issue penalties that are consistent with Section 7 of the rulebook. The admin team also reserves the right to review the event and issue penalties per Section 7 of the rulebook with or without an incident report. Reviews without a report are not guaranteed to catch all infractions and it is recommended that drivers report incidents that they wish to be reviewed to avoid incidents possibly being missed.

6.5 Penalty Assessment - If a driver is found to be in violation of a rule, the driver will be issued a penalty per the Penalty Progression System. Penalties may vary based on driver history, severity of the infraction and result of the incident.

6.6 File an Appeal – If you feel that you were wrongfully penalized, drivers are encouraged to file an appeal. Drivers can file an appeal by accessing the Services section of the website by logging in. Drivers can then navigate to the Services menu tab in the top menu and select "File an Appeal". All appeals MUST include a replay clip to be reviewed. The appeal will be reviewed by the administration team and a resolution will be reached. The driver will be informed of the decision via the messaging system. Drivers have 24 hours after the announcement of a penalty to appeal the penalty. Penalty appeals that are submitted after the deadline or without a replay will not be considered and will be ignored. Appeals are welcome and a great way to ensure that the league and drivers are all operating at optimum levels. Appeals are a great time to review processes and procedures for the league as well. 

6.7 Driver Ejections - Administrators reserve the right to eject any driver at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to, foul language, flaming, jumping restarts, reckless driving, connection issues, or otherwise negatively affecting the event.

6.8 Assurance of Fairness – If you feel that administrators have unfairly penalized you and feel there is a conflict of interest or evidence of favoritism or unfairness when or how penalties are being applied and your penalty appeal was denied, you may contact the league administrator via email at hbman23@aol.com and explain the issue. We will review the issue and contact you with our findings. Again, we appreciate this opportunity to review policies and procedures at FTSR and welcome your feedback.

Section 7
Penalty Definitions

7.1 Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Members are expected to conduct themselves professionally on and off the track. Drivers who cast a shadow on the league by their words or actions or affect the event in a negative way may receive an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty.
7.2 Flaming - Flaming is defined as a hostile and/or insulting interaction between persons over the internet, often involving the use of profanity. Flaming other members of FTSR is not permitted at any time. Violation of this rule can lead to varying penalties, suspensions, and/or expulsion. If you have a disagreement with another driver, we suggest that you take care of this in a professional manner and in a private setting. If you have an issue with a penalty or call by a league administrator or race official, please contact them in private to discuss this.

7.3 Cutting the Course - If you cut corners on the race course with the intent of gaining a competitive edge over the competition, you will be penalized. It is suggested that you keep 2 tires on the racing surface at all times. This does NOT include aprons on oval tracks, although the yellow line rule is in effect for super speedway tracks. Drivers who are deemed to have cut the course and did not relinquish the position(s) will receive a penalty per the standard penalty progression system as well as an automatic EOL Finish (moved to the end of your lap) for the event.

7.4 Passing Below The Double Line - This league abides by the "Passing Below The Double Line" rule at superspeedway races for every series. Any driver that moves below the double painted lines on a track in an attempt to improve their position will be penalized unless you relinquish the position(s) to the driver(s) passed within a reasonable time frame. A driver is deemed to be below the double line if any part of their tire is below (not on) the line closest to the racing surface. Drivers who begin or attempt a pass while below this line are in violation of this rule. Drivers who are beside the car and are forced below the double line or move below the line to avoid contact are deemed to have had position prior to crossing this threshold will not be penalized under this rule, BUT ARE still subject to other penalties if an accident is caused due to the maneuver or returning to the racing surface. 

Drivers need to use their very best judgment here. If you have passed below the line and there is a chance you were at fault, it would be wise to give the position back and try again later rather than to take that chance of receiving a penalty. Drivers who are deemed to have passed below the line and do not relinquish the position(s) will receive a penalty.

7.5 Reckless Driving - Reckless driving is defined as actions taken by a driver that puts other cars in danger, causes an incident, or otherwise creates a hazard on the track. A reckless driving penalty will be issued for carless driving, hitting walls or other cars frequently or otherwise becoming a hazard on the track. 

7.6 Avoidable Contact - Avoidable contact is defined as car contact that causes an accident or caution that could otherwise be avoided by the driver exercising more caution, patience, better decision-making or being more careful around the other vehicles. This includes failure to hold the brakes while spinning or wrecking, collecting others.

7.7 Loss of Control - If a driver loses control of their car and either causes a caution or causes car contact resulting in significant damage to other cars, the driver may be charged with a Loss of Control penalty.

7.8 Failure to Slow For Accident - If a driver does not adequately and reasonably slow for an accident ahead of them and makes contact with another car, the driver will be charged with a Failure to Slow For Accident penalty.

7.9 Pit Lane Infractions - Drivers must be respectful of others and follow all pitting procedures while on pit road. Below we outline the penalties for pit lane infractions:

a. Driving Through Pit Stalls - If a driver drives through more than 3 pit stalls per Section 3.5b of the rulebook or fails to exit the pit stall area per Section 3.5c of the rulebook and is deemed to have disrupted another competitors pit stop and/or ability to locate their pit stall and/or is deemed to have gained a competitive advantage by doing so, the driver may receive a penalty.

b. Failure to Maintain Single File - Under caution, drivers are to enter pit road single-file, nose to tail, bumper to bumper and maintain pit road speed. While on pit road, drivers may only pass to the right and only once the car in front of you commits to his pit stall. If a driver attempts a pass on on the left or fails to stay to the outer half of pit road, the driver may be penalized.

c. Failure to Stay to the Right - Drivers should travel down pit road using the outer half of pit road (not including the pit box area). If a driver fails to use the outer half of pit road when traveling down pit road, the driver may receive a penalty.

d. Causing a Collision on Pit Road - If the driver makes moves that result in a collision or accident on pit road (i.e. not staying to the outer half of pit road), the driver will receive a penalty.

e. Impeding Pit Lane Traffic - If a driver drives down pit road at an excessively slow speed or conducts themselves in a manner that cause other drivers to take evasive maneuvers, the driver will receive a penalty.

7.10 Multiple Cautions/Incidents - If a driver is deemed to be the cause of multiple cautions or accidents during an event, the driver will be penalized. This includes, but is not limited to cautions or accidents caused due to car contact, self spins, aggressive behavior or stopping on the track. Drivers should minimize their negative affect on an event and work to race cleanly, respectfully and avoid causing multiple issues during an event.

7.11 Intentional Contact - Intentional contact will NOT be tolerated. The race administrators will determine the severity of the penalty based on previous actions, intention and result of the actions taken. Drivers should not take it upon themselves to show displeasure with other drivers on the track. If a driver causes issues on the track, it is best to let league officials deal with the issue rather than to intervene and risk receiving a penalty as well.

7.12 Intentional Wrecking - Intentional wrecking is defined as a driver making contact with another driver with the clear intent of wrecking the driver or taking the driver out of competition for the event. Andy driver who is penalized for intentional wrecking will receive an automatic disqualification from the event and will be suspended for no less than 1 race.

7.13 Excessive Blocking - Drivers who block another driver to the point where the other driver is forced off the track or the blocking causes an accident may be penalized for excessive blocking.

7.14 Intentional Cautions / Spins - Drivers who intentionally cause a caution or intentionally wreck another driver to improve their position or the position of another driver will be disqualified, removed from the race server and suspended no less than 1 race.

7.15 Race Manipulation - Any driver who takes action to manipulate the running order, finishing order, or natural progression of the event will be charged with race manipulation. Drivers who are charged with race manipulation will be disqualified, removed from the race server and suspended no less than 1 race.

7.16 Cheating - FTSR has a zero-tolerance policy regarding cheating. Cheating is defined as anything that a driver does to gain a competitive edge that is not permitted by the rules. Cheating will not be a problem in this league. The iRacing simulation has cheat detection programs designed to detect and prevent cheating as well. If you are cheating, don’t even bother joining the server as you will be immediately kicked. Cheating also includes using track glitches or exploits to gain a competitive edge over other drivers. Cheating is strictly prohibited and will result in a disqualification and permanent ban from the league.

7.17 Unnecessary Black Flags - If a driver enters the pits on the final lap of a caution period (1 to go to green) for whatever reason does not reach his appropriate position on the restart in time and causes another competitor to receive a black flag due to their actions, the driver causing the black flag(s) may also receive a penalty.
Furthermore, if a driver causes another driver to receive a black flag when entering pit road due to the driver being unable to line up properly, maintain pace speed and/or catch the field in a reasonable time, the driver who caused the issue may receive a penalty.
Drivers should take care to leave themselves enough time to catch the field for the restart after pitting, line up in the appropriate place and also to make sure that their car is in good enough condition to catch the field after a wreck and maintain pace speed. 

7.18 Restart Violation - If a driver fails to follow start and restart guidelines, they may be issued a restart violation penalty.

a. Failure to maintain pace speed - If the driver fails to maintain a steady speed at or near the pace speed while approaching the start or restart prior to the green flag being displayed, the driver may be issued a penalty.

b. Rolling up to the start (Laying back) - If the driver lays back and gains speed prior to the start in an attempt to gain an advantage, the driver may be penalized.

c. Failure to maintain your starting lane - If the driver does not stay behind the car ahead of them in their designated starting lane (drivers nose behind their rear bumper) or leaves the racing surface (moves below the line separating the track from the apron) before the start/finish line, the driver may receive a penalty.

The following penalties will result in an automatic EOL finish:

d. Jumping the start - If a driver accelerates before the green flag is displayed on a start or restart, the driver may be penalized.

e. Being ahead of the leader at the time of green - If the second place driver is deemed to be ahead of the leader at the time of green, the driver may be penalized.

f. Passing before the start/finish line - If a driver attempts or begins an attempt to pass another driver before the start/finish line, the driver may be penalized.

Drivers are allowed to yield a position or advantage gained by allowing the driver who was advantaged to retake the position completely (your front bumper behind their rear bumper) to avoid penalty in most cases UNLESS the move is deemed to be malicious or intentional (i.e. to lead a lap, gain track position, etc.). Drivers should avoid using restarts for games or to gain an advantage. Starts and restarts are ONLY used to start or restart the race and are not a competition in this league.

7.19 Actions Detrimental to League Racing - If a driver takes actions that are outside of the spirit of league racing or that negatively affect enjoyment of the members or the progress and success of the league, the driver will be subject to a penalty.

7.20 Probation Violation - A driver that is on probation should take care to avoid risky situations, follow all rules and procedures and work to have an incident-free race. Drivers who violate a rule or receive a penalty while on probation will receive additional scrutiny. A driver who receives a penalty while on probation will be penalized AT A MINIMUM of 1 level higher than the usual penalty level for the infraction.

7.21 Recurring Incidents - In the event that a driver has recurring incidents across different events or series where the individual incidents do not rise to a level where they are penalized, the driver may be charged with recurring incidents. The meaning of this penalty is to notify the driver that there is a pattern of behavior or recurring issue, that actions should be taken to remedy the issues, and that further issues will result in more severe penalties.

7.22 Repeat Offender - if a driver has previously received a penalty for the same infraction and shows little to no improvement or progress in correcting the issue, the penalty may be increased a after the first indication to further encourage the driver to avoid such situations and make adjustments to avoid further penalties.

Note: FTSR Officials have the right to modify any and all rules in this rulebook and to interpret them in the best interest of the league. FTSR Officials have the right to make calls outside of the rulebook in the best interest of the league at any time. Some series may have special rules associated with them. All rules are subject to change.